Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I do I do I do.

I do do do do~ =) In love with this song. I love Colbie Caillat!

Well, yesterday went to had loads of fun with Lisa, SuYing, Yuhung, Christina, and Michelle. Went to Gurney Plaza after our class. Ate Hot & Roll for our lunch~ yum! My favorite!

Me and Michelle.

After that we wonder in Gurney Plaza until 3 oclock then we go to Red Box! Enjoy to the max! We gave YuHung a suprise. Haha. And she almost cried out! Happy Birthday!!

Sang until 7pm. Then, we went to Winter Warmer to have our dinner. Couldn't take picture because my cammy is out of battery. I seriously need to change my handphone and camera, not the DSLR. But my digital camera. Hope the camera fair going to come again. Michelle said early bird can get any camera with only RM1! Super exicting! I want i want i want! Don't talk about my phone. HTC is really not a good phone for me. It hangs a lot. =D No more HTC in my future. Going blackberry! Till here then. Ciao!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Gonna have mad fun!

Yay! Cause me and my group members had finally done with our marketing project. Congratz to us! We finally impressed our lecturer. =D But it was really tiring, we started our preparation on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30pm. We manage to finish 100 Tiramisu and 80 tart crust at 8pm. I am very very tired. ~.~




Everything is almost sold out. Very happy with the result. =) Tomorrow we are going to celebrate it and also celebrate Yuhung's Birthday! Gonna had great fun tomorrow! By the way, I'm so craving for Tutti Frutti now. =( Planned to go to eat this week! Must have Tutti Frutti, coz I never eat it before. =D
Till here then. Let me end this with our group photo.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hate report.

Gonna be long day because I am now half way doing my report. Whenever I'm doing my project or report or something else important I will have to mood to blog. I don't know. Kinda like stress release for me. =D Bad news is I can't think of any thing to write my report. How how how? Well just leave it for now.

Went for shopping for our project thingy on last friday. It was terribly a tired day because on the day before (Thursday) we went from class to class to promote our project. We are taking pre-orders so that we won't waste anything. =) Our project name is Cartoon-licious. Wanna come? XD Come come~~ We will be at Disted College Alfresco on 21st and 22nd of April (next Thursday and Friday) from 11am to 3pm~ Please come to support. =) So the number of pre-orders is satisfying~ or way to many. We're gonna die!!! Please stop! LOL Joking~~

Guest how much we spent on the shopping? Almost RM400 excluding the packaging and main course. Here's some pixie:

Have you seen such looooooong receipt? LOL Way to long. Everyone around us is like: why the hell they buy so much thing? Are they going to open shop or what?
Even the Aunty behind us asking one of my friends: Why you all buy so much of cream cheese and biscuits?
XD Ya we are going to sell this stuff. LOL  Can't believe right? I am so broke now. ~.~
Btw, a very fun day with them =). Okay, back to my report. ..... still half way~ Going mad!
Till here then. Ciao~

Monday, April 11, 2011

Puppies taking their first step.

Ello. XD Mad in love with Cash's puppies. Here's some pictures. They are officially 1 month old~

Monday, April 4, 2011


First thing first. Need a sexy body! LOL Impossible I can get! =/ But i'll try! Same old day everyday. Nothing special. Hopefully I can date him this week. What me dating him? Suppose he date me right? Too bad he is way tooo busy and I have to ask him out. Though we are staying together. But you think we can date at home? Bored. We totally need a date! Great, I'm talking this in my blog. LMAO. Just kidding ( to dar: please study and don't think about this because I don't have any topic to talk because WE DIDN'T HAVE ANY DATE~) XD

I always date with my sisters and people start to think I'm a LESSBIAN~~~~~~~~ XD Maybe I should wear boyish and people will start to think I'm a tb. GREAT IDEA! I should wear like a boy! Yay!

 XD Till here then. Ciao~

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Going leopardy.

Changed my blog's wallpaper. Was suddenly in love with leopard print. Especially in pink! XD. College now was boring. I hate the marketing project so much. Went to Gurney for shopping last Wednesday and i bought 2 new nail polish. =D Love the color Nude and Puple-ish blue. Its been a good day with my sister. x) Love them very much. Now I'm at Taiping. Going back to Penang tomorrow again. Sigh. But luckily no more working in hotel. I'm so tired these few days. Fuh. Just a short post. Ciao~