Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Coffee don't allows me to sleep.

Drank too much of coffee this afternoon. =.=. It is 2.05am, and i'm still awake. Lie on my bed for 2hours and i decided to come down to my living room with tv on and online. Coffee works for me. =.=.. I'm also quite excited because i'm baking a small cake for dar's niece. So excited. And too i'm excited to snap pictures of the cake. Be sure to visit my blog if you want to know how it looks like. I snapped some pictures of FangFang. Here is it.

Walking on the blue grass. Nice? >.<  Next



Any comment on this? Snap those pictures because i'm so so so so so so so bored. I can improve my snapping skills too. XD Till here then. Gonna catch my CSI. Night night all dimmy dummy.

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